About Us
ADIP & RVY Joint Interface for Unique Nomination (ARJUN), a national level portal for DEPwD to integrate of all implementing Agency into a same platform and buildup national database of the beneficiaries covered under ADIP and RVY scheme. The web portal provides facility for Online Registration, Duplicate check of multiple aids given to a beneficiary and national level beneficiary search. It also includes facility for Analytical dashboard and generate various MIS and drilldown reports at national level.
Salient Features
- It helps in providing an IT enabled Collaborative Platform.
- It’s a robust, secure and easily extendible solution.
- Its plug and play components allows easy use and omission of modules.
- It provides Role Based Access to its users.
- Rich Statistical and Analytical Dashboards for informed decision making.
- Responsive design so it work with all the devices.